About Us

Fashion has always been an important part of my life, even as far back as 3 years old when I was wearing denim mini skirts and cowboy boots trying to stand out in a house full of boys. My love for clothes, shoes, and accessories followed me into early adulthood. I remember my grunge era in the 90s and my juicy couture tracksuit era in the early 2000s. Now as a mother of 3, wife of a veteran, and hobby ranch owner, I don't have as much time to express myself in fashion as much as I used to.

I created The Neon Orchid for women like me, who need a go-to space to find classic, yet fun pieces to add to their wardrobe. My goal as a small business owner is to make fashion fun, easy, and convenient for even the busiest moms, wives, grandmas, sisters, and everyone in between. Need some help? Send me a message!


Happy Shopping!